Born in 1976 in Szczecin, Poland. Obtained his diploma at the Painting and Graphic Faculty of The Academy of Fine Art in Gdansk
Solo exhibitions
2019 Młode Malarstwo Polskie , Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku
2009 Painting, Gallery Triada,Sopot National Gallery, Sopot
2007 Painting, Association of Polish Artists and Designers Gallery Gdansk
2005 Painting, linocut and collage, Tower Gallery, Bytów
2003 Painting and linocut, Gallery BENE EST, Szczecin
Selected group exhibitions
2019 Młode Malarstwo Polskie , Muzeum Narodowe w Gdańsku
2012 24 Polish Contemporary Painting Festival, Szczecin
2012 Painting in Szczecin Philharmonic
2011 Art Now, The European Parliament, Brussels
2011 100th Anniversary of The Association of Polish Artists and Designers, National Gallery of Art ,Sopot
2010 Public Space/Contexts, Profile Gallery of Contemporary Art, Poznan
2009 The parts of a Portrait, National Gallery of Art Sopot
2009 The Observatory for Reality, Grodno Exhibition Hall, Belarus
2008 Look at me, Gallery SPODKI, Bialystok
2007 Post plein-art exposition, Museum of Art, Mohylev, Belarus
2007 The Observatory for Reality, National Gallery of Art Sopot /Gallery TAMKA Warsaw
2004 Events, The fifth International Festival of Theatre and Visual Arts, Tczew
2003 Polish Young Painting Review, Gallery of Art, Legnica
2003 Post plein-art exposition, Ars Nova Gallery, Lodz
2003 Painting of the year 2002 , Krolikarnia Palace, Department of The National Museum in Warsaw
2002 The Daniel Chodowiecki drawing and graphics competition, National Gallery of Art, Sopot
2002 Simply Human, The Baltic Sea Cultural Centre, Gdansk
2002 Graphis of the year, GTPS Gdansk
2002 Painting of the year 2001, Krolikarnia Palace, Department of The National Musem in Warsaw